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Sigma industry manager

Sigma Industry Development invests in expansion and appoints two new managers

The technology consulting company Sigma Industry Development is growing and strengthening its offering by scaling out the organization with two key positions. Amir Alizadeh steps in as head of the Calculation section and Mattias Bäckman assumes the role of section head for Product Development 3.

Amir Alizadeh, Section Manager Calculation

With an education in technical physics with a specialization in strength theory and experience from safety and the construction sector, Amir has been part of Sigma for almost seven years. His professional experience spans various roles both with the client and internally, such as coordination role and calculation engineer. In recent years, he has worked with the development of electric buses and was group leader for the calculation team with an active focus on business development in the area.

Amir Alizadeh Sigma
Amir Alizadeh, Section Manager Calculation

- I am really looking forward to my new role and the opportunity to develop the calculation section together with my colleagues in the team. I believe that my experience as a group leader and the knowledge from Sigma's leadership program Propeller will create good conditions going forward, says Amir.

- My vision is to enable growth in the team with high staff satisfaction at work together with an increased customer base and business opportunities, Amir continues when he describes his goals and ambitions.

Mattias Bäckman, Section Manager Product Development 3

Mattias Bäckman, civil engineer in Design and Product Development with a master's in Mechanical Engineering, takes the lead for the new section Product Development 3. With over six years of experience as a designer, product developer and project manager in the automotive industry and a further three years of experience in business development, Mattias has contributed to the development of gas-powered, heavy vehicles and broadened the company's customer base internally at Sigma.

Matthias Backman Sigma
Mattias Bäckman, Section Manager Product Development 3

- I have always appreciated Sigma's focus on the individual and the opportunities this has brought. From a good community and the opportunity to participate in our new leadership program Propeller, to the offer to become an even bigger part of the organization by joining as section manager for product development, says Mattias and adds:

- My vision is to continue to build on Sigma's corporate culture, as well as to broaden our customer base. A balance between the customer and the employee at the center. Together, we can and will drive development towards a more sustainable, safer and greener future.

Focus on growth

Johan Cahier, CEO Sigma Industry Development, shares his enthusiasm to welcome Amir and Mattias to the management team and emphasizes their solid leadership qualities.

- First of all, I am very happy that Amir and Mattias are stepping in as section managers and in the company's management team. Both have worked at Sigma for a long time and have completed our leadership program Propeller via the KTH Executive School. Both stand for genuine and stable leadership, which the employees appreciate. I am completely convinced that Amir and Mattias will be a strong contributor to the company's ability to reach overall goals, says Johan.

Both section managers will take up their new roles in February 2024, Amir Alizadeh on February 1 and Mattias Bäckman on February 5.

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