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Sigma Technology

Sigma Technology signs a framework agreement with the Norwegian Institutional Board for IT consulting services | Sigma Group

Sigma Technology IT Group has entered into a framework agreement with the Norwegian Institutions Board (SiS) to deliver IT consulting services. The agreement entered into force on October 14, 2024 and is valid until September 30, 2026, with the possibility of extension one year at a time until September 30, 2028.

The State Board of Institutions (SiS) is a state authority that is responsible for individually adapted compulsory care and implements closed youth care. In cooperation with social services, SiS provides children, young people and clients with serious and extensive psychosocial problems better conditions for a socially functioning life without abuse and crime. The SiS IT and digitization department is responsible for the strategic and operational IT work and must provide a robust, secure and accessible IT environment for around 4,500 employees.

The purpose of the IT procurement is to meet the needs of SiS IT consulting services to strengthen the existing team with excellence.

Sigma Technology IT Group is one of the few selected suppliers to provide expertise in system development, integration, DevOps, system architecture, system design as well as graphic web production and accessibility, both in projects and in the line organization at SiS.

- SiS today has several existing systems that need to be continuously managed and further developed. The authority strives to make its technical systems and documents as accessible as possible. With our experience and excellence in designing, developing and managing digital solutions that adhere to leading usability standards and architecture that reflects business and user requirements, we look forward to supporting SiS on their digitization journey, says Anna Nyblin, Bid Manager at Sigma Technology IT Group.

- The framework agreement with SiS is yet another milestone on our journey to become Sweden's leading IT supplier to the public sector. We are proud to have received the trust from the Norwegian Institute Board and look forward to supporting them with cutting-edge expertise in system development, integration, system architecture and system design, says Johan Edlund, CEO at Sigma Technology IT Group.

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