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Lars Kry Sigma

9 out of 10 Swedes want to contribute to total defense through technical equipment

A comprehensive Edge Sifo-survey aimed at the Swedish people shows that an overwhelming majority, more precisely 86 percent, are prepared to contribute to total defense by providing personal technical equipment such as drones and surveillance devices. This shows a strong will among the citizens to actively participate in the defense of the nation, especially in light of the increased tensions and threats of war in our surrounding world. The tech company Nexer Group, which is behind the investigation, is now calling on the government and the commander-in-chief to pay attention and take advantage of this unique opportunity. A coordinated effort can provide a better overall defense.

The Kantar Sifo investigation, which was carried out on behalf of Nexer Group against the background of the increasing global security situation and the war in Ukraine, points to a significant resource that has so far been untapped. The survey shows that the Swedish people are positive about contributing to total defence. As many as 86 percent answer that they would have lent digital equipment to the defense if Sweden was in a war situation.

LarsKry Interview
Lars Kry, CEO Nexer Group

The results of this survey are a clear sign of the determination of the Swedish people to stand united and ready to defend our country. It is now up to our leaders to make use of this resource and translate the will of the people into practical action, says Lars Kry, CEO of Nexer Group.

That Sweden's citizens are prepared to make their private technology available can play a critical role in strengthening the Armed Forces' capabilities, especially in the areas of surveillance and information gathering.

Nexer is therefore now calling on the government and the commander-in-chief to pay attention to this unique opportunity. By coordinating and organizing the use of private technical equipment, Sweden can effectively strengthen its defense without necessarily requiring large investments in new equipment.

Such an initiative would not only improve our defense capability but also promote stronger social cohesion and a deeper commitment among citizens to the nation's security, concludes Lars Kry.

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